HAPPY SUNDAY! Break Dance And Rapping In Church, Sinful Or Not?


While growing up i only knew of secular rappers and break dancers. Until the emergence of gospel rappers like Lecrae, Trip Lee, Da truth, Flame etc. Afterwards my Neighborhood was saturated with gospel rappers.

Now in churches anytime there is concert break dancers and gospel rappers are invited especially in youth programs.

However, i noticed only youths were interested in it but the older generation were kicking against it including our former pastor.

Our former pastor vehemently condemn rapping and break dancing, he doesn’t give us the liberty to dance in church.

With the coming of our new pastor, gospel rappers and break dancers are being encouraged.

I am perplexed, why did our former pastor and older generation condemn? Is it a sin?

One thought on “HAPPY SUNDAY! Break Dance And Rapping In Church, Sinful Or Not?

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