Suzzy Cash biography and profile

 Bolaji Suliyat (5 may 2002),Sex: female known by her stage name suzzy cash
Also known as suzzy manny is a Nigerian hip hop recording artist. He records mostly in Yoruba, his native tongue. In 2016, he released his debut studio track Back to the game while signed to medal recordz.  his follow-up track was WO cover, was released under his same label. Primary school : Aunty ago nursery and primary schoolSecondary school : Adeola Good will private school

Suzzy cash
Background information
Birth name Bolaji suliyat
Born on May 5.  2002. Age (  19).  Ibadan Oyo state, Nigeria.
Genres Hip hop
Occupation(s) Music producer Rapper, singer & songwriter
Instruments Vocals
Years active 2015–present
Labels Medalrecordz
Associated acts Smarty medip, slim fikky, princess adenike and king dasilver

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